Monday 31 March 2008

How to be the perfect valentine....Written by Stephanie Kaur


Valentines? Think about the word alone. Almost instantly money springs to mind…A day in which romance is meant to be celebrated with loved ones…
According to my research into you male teens of today, you see valentines day as a day of serious spending leaving you completely broke for the rest of the month. Well boys have I got news for you! That’s not the case!!!!!!!!! Us females don’t want or expect you to go splurging on us, we just want to know that you care about us and have taken the time to acknowledge this day as a day to show us how much you care with romance!
Sounds soppy and cheesy yes but that’s how the majority of us females feel! How do I be romantic? What does she like? How do I show her how much I love her without coming on too strong? No need to panic! Im here to give you all the tips you need to be that perfect valentine.

So February 14th has come around and you find you’re out of money…don’t stress, there are so many ways you can show your girlfriend or the one you care about how much you love her without forking out a fortune. The diva herself Jennifer Lopez famously sings “love don’t cost a thing”. A simple romantic stroll for a couple of hours through the local park along with a picnic, followed by a rented DVD back at yours will definitely be a hit with the other half. It’s the fact that you’ve taken the time and the effort to go out of your way to make the day special and spend it with her which will win her over.

Although beware, there are certain things that us women can find annoying and makes us want to “cringe”. But do not be discouraged by this lads! As I have said already I’m here to help. Here’s what NOT to do on a valentines date. “DO NOT be too cheesy”, this includes putting on a fake act in attempts to “impress” us ladies, it has the completely opposite affect. Also the “typical cheesy” compliments such as “did it hurt when you fell from heaven”, that makes the girl want to laugh in your face at the ridiculousness of the “compliment”. Also leave the corny, non humorous jokes aside, guys there’s nothing worse than an unfunny chap TRYING to be funny, save yourself from being the joke and DON’T DO IT!

A word of advice to you guys, if you truly love your girl, valentines is the perfect day to tell her how you feel. It would be the most memorable time to tell her as every Valentines Day from then onwards she’ll remember significantly the moment you expressed your true feelings to her. Even if you break up, she’ll always remember that sweet gesture you did on that very day. A big BUT, only tell her you love her if you MEAN IT! If you just say it because you think that’s what she wants to hear it that’s incorrect mate! She wants to hear the truth so if you don’t mean it don’t say it!!!

Another important point DON’T RUSH INTO ANYTHING! “I hate when guys are full on and start coming onto me, I’d rather have them just be relaxed and wait for me to signal I’m ready!!” The worse thing is feeling pressured and uncomfortable as a female, as it completely kills the romantic mood. Just go with the flow and if she shows that she wants more than a hug, lean in for the kill. May I also caution you try not to be full on as it will only scare us females away. There’s nothing worse than having a guy that has got the wrong impression and goes too far. Make your date feel relaxed and comfortable around you by being yourself and showing her you care by showing affection in little ways such as cute cuddles and meaningful compliments, but don’t go overboard!!!

Also, try not to strain and force conversation between the two of you. If you do this there will be so many awkward silences. “The awkward silences make me feel so uncomfortable I just hate it!” This can be avoidable by simply letting the conversation flow. The relaxed mood will bring about endless hours of conversation. Talk about anything and everything as you’ll really see her true personality.

If you do feel the necessity to buy the lucky lady a present think carefully about what you’re going to get her. Don’t buy a gift just for the sake of buying a gift. Make sure its meaningful and thought about, we love it when guys make the effort! If she likes flowers for example try to find out what her favourite flowers are. If you’re afraid you’ll make it too obvious why not ask her close friends what sort of flowers she likes? Is she a chocolate fan? Why not pop into Thorntons the chocolatier as they have a luxurious selection of Valentines special edition chocolates that are bound to tickle her taste buds! She a budding film fanatic? Why not buy her the latest DVD of her favourite film genre that’s been released? Or better still treat her to a nice evening at the cinemas!!

The evening draws to an end, and you want to end it on a memorable note. What do I do? I hear you say. Maybe, considering the date went well why not suggest another date, or how about just a romantic walk home and you never know what may happen at the doorstep. “I remember last valentines day it was the most memorable one I ever had. My current boyfriend asked me out after the most amazing date at the cinemas and eating at a restaurant, its definitely something I’ll never forget”
So there we have it lads, a simple guide to be that perfect valentine for that perfect girl. Hope the advice HELPS and most importantly be yourself!!! GOOD LUCK!

Thursday 27 March 2008

I can has article?

Rakishly skinny, donned in Doc Martins with lank black hair that obscures half his face, if it were not for his small stature it is probable that James Heighway would be considerably intimidating, though nothing could be further from the truth. He greets us with a small smile and looks like he’s been up all night ‘I was up playing Lord of The Rings all night’ he confesses without a trace of embarrassment.
Before the interview we take a few photographs of James, something that’s obviously very awkward for him,
‘I’m really not comfortable in front of the camera’ he says nervously, and it shows, he’s gawky and has to be guided through almost every shot. It is somewhat surprising then to learn that he originally thought about going into modeling ‘It was never a serious thing’ he laughs ‘A lot of people would just suggest it to me that’s all. I guess I kind of have that skinny dark thing going on. I’m pretty short though’ he shrugs.
He can’t tell you what originally got him into music, there was no pivotal point ‘My dad pretty much started it for me and my sister, he would always play music in the house, I can remember listening to the Beatles and Queen when I was a kid’
James stresses that it was never his ambition to become part of a band, let alone a bass player. ‘I originally played guitar, that’s all I ever wanted to do and that was just for fun’ then came the day that some older friends of his asked if he could possibly fill in for bass ‘It was really weird because I had never played on a bass in my life, but we had an old one lying around, so I said yes’ James quickly learned, and before he knew it, he had become a full time member of the band that would later become known as LeadChest.
‘I’m still so grateful that I was even given the opportunity’ James says with complete sincerity ‘they could have picked anyone, someone their own age, someone who actually played bass!’ he laughs.
Are LeadChest going to be forever? ‘Probably not’ he answers solemnly ‘I mean I’m only 15. People chop and change a lot of bands before they’re a part of one that actually makes it. And you don’t know if you’re ever going to make it’
He may only be 15 but he’s got an optimistic attitude towards life, no sign of the stereotypical ’teenage emo’ ‘I hate that bullsh*t’ he says with venom ‘Emo means emotional hardcore music, it was a trend back in the 90’s in underground club scenes.’ He shakes his head ‘People don’t know what the hell they’re talking about’ We seem to have hit a nerve ‘No..’ he hesitates ‘It’s just, a lot of rubbish is said about people and bands, they’re categorized and stereotyped in a really negative way and it’s just complete nonsense’
James is big fan of rock music that was made long before he was even born, citing Beatles, Queen, Nirvana and Misfits (Danzig era only, he stresses) as some of his main inspirations and influences.
‘The misfits are a huge influence on me’ like most music he was introduced to it through his older sister ‘She would always talk about them but I guess I was never that bothered. She bought me a greatest hits CD and I couldn’t stop listening’ James finds it hard to articulate just why he loves the Misfits so much, changing his answer mid sentence and stumbling over words ‘I don’t even know, something about how un-professional it sounds, the Danzig ones at least, there’s no finesse, it’s just loose and amazing’ he gushes enthusiastically.
Somewhat surprisingly though, James is also a big fan of some contemporary artists, one in particular anyway ’ My Chemical Romance’ he says with a smile ‘I don’t even care what anybody says about them, and I’ve put up with a lot of crap just because I’m an MCR fan, but they’re awesome and they mean a lot to me’. Again he finds it hard to find the words to explain just how much they’ve effected him ‘Before them, I mean I could enjoy music but I was never actually so invested and completely crazy about a band as I am with them.’ He thinks for a while ‘I think it’s because they do whatever the hell they want, they made it mainstream and got a lot of stick for it but they didn’t care and just kept on doing what it was they wanted to. That gives you quite a lot of hope, and taught me to not care what anybody else thought’
Rock n roll lifestyle:
‘Again, it’s a load of bullsh*t.’ It is undeniable that it exists though, one only has to open any rock magazine to be inundated with tales of drunken wild parties and chauvinistic behaviour, that’s what it’s all about right? ‘Not at all’ James says seriously ‘What so just because you in a rock band you have to act like an asshole and treat girls horribly? I don’t believe that at all. And I don’t think I’d be friends with anyone who did’
James and his band mates have certainly come up against this problem a few times in the past, just after their guitarist left ‘We needed a replacement so we started looking around and it was hard to find someone that was in it for the same reasons’ any specific incidents? ‘Well,’ he says hesitantly ‘there was one case where we were ready to actually have this guy join the band but right then he started acting like an idiot, asking if he was in our band would he get a lot of girls, stuff like that. Straight away we knew it wouldn’t work out’
James looks like he’s stepped off a Tim Burton catwalk ‘That’s about right!’ he laughs ‘I wear a lot of black. Sometimes I throw in a red tie to mix things up’ he says with a grin. James tells us that a couple of years ago he had no sense of fashion ‘I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, what was cool or not. I’d get up and shove some random clothes on. But my sister would always kind of suggest things and it grew from there’
There are so many different trends and fashions within the rock scene, James seems to be a mixture of many with the classic punk doc martins and his somewhat gothic hairdo ‘I like to mix things up’ he tells us ‘apart from jeans, I will literally wear a pair of favorite jeans until they fall to pieces’
James, although in terms of appearance is exactly what youd expect a guitarist in a rock band to look like, tells us that there is much more to bands than how they look and what hair they have. ‘Look at Kurt Cobain’, he says ‘He came out onstage in cardigans, nobody cared. Just like Freddie Mercury would come out in spandex suits.’ He is wide eyed and incredulous ‘Everybody cares too much about what outfits people wear and what they’re music videos are like.’
James seems to be inciting a Rock ‘n Roll revolution ‘No’ he says simply ‘I just want to remind people that it’s all about the music’.

comments, suggestions?
-Emma xoxo

Wednesday 26 March 2008

My frontcover..

this is my final front front cover. still undecided about whether to add cover lines to it.

Any suggestions?


Sunday 23 March 2008


As I sat down with this brown eyed beauty I couldn’t help but wonder if she was single, obviously not for me but for the readers of Adonis, so I thought the first question I should ask her is if she had a boyfriend or not? SUPRISINGLY she was SINGLE breaking off, a few months back from a 2 year relationship due to her boyfriend being unfaithful. My jaw dropped! Who would be so STUPID? From there my mind wondered back onto why she was sitting in front of me and I remembered I still had to carry out an interview. So I got my HEAD TOGETHER and ASKED her WHY she thought she got the ADONIS TALENT OF THE YEAR AWARD she CHEEKILY replied “because I look good”. First I thought to myself she’s very vain but I guess all models are. So I jumped to the next question on why she actually started modelling “KATE MOSS!! She was my reason for modelling because everything she does, she started modelling at a young age; I started modelling at a young age as well so I thought yayyyyyyy if she can do it why can’t I”. Having a lot of determination being inspired by one of the most influential models in the fashion industry must be on her way to success. Sharmili whose MOTHER has been the most supportive character in her career has never left her side being there along every step and has never missed a photo shoot. Most models are stereotyped for being stupid what do you say about that are models really DUMB? Well if you say where DUMB for getting paid just to stand there and let people take a few pictures then you can class us dumb, but as far as I’m concerned I make more money than the people calling me dumb just by standing there for my looks doing something I enjoy HAHA. The next question to ask her was if she would’ve chosen anything else apart from modelling ”YES I would love to be a fashion designer which soon I will become due to me having my art a-levels underway which should help me along my career as a fashion designer because I love designing clothes for myself and I’m STOPPING modelling soon” WHY “Apparently I’m too small for the catwalk and I don’t want to be doing catalogue covers all my life, I know I’ve got a future in designing cloths and plus don’t forget you get way MORE BOYS.
Mr. MVP Jerome Bastien has gained over 23 SCHOOL and 16 DISTRICT MEDALS including: MVP and PLAYER OF THE YEAR. This hot talent started playing basketball as a primary school kid and he would play ball everyday even after school with his cousin, shooting hoops. “I play wherever man I would play in the rain I would play in 160 degrees it’s all to do with determination”. This Baller wasn’t really influenced by stars such as Michael Jordan but instead grabbed his influence from his elders in school “Really I don’t even know where I got my influence from I just use to watch my elders play in secondary school I didn’t think I could be where they were, but as I progressed and watched my friends play. I started to play and picked up some skills like the coaches told me I had a natural talent”. I thought basketball had a lot of rivalries and competition but from the way Jerome described his passion it sounded more like an PHYSICAL EXPRESSION of ART. I thought it would be best to ask him if he had encountered any rivalries on the court or gained any injuries but I was surprised to hear that through his career he hasn’t met any sort or kind of feuds “I’m respectful to the court man I’m just grateful that God made basketball happy for my hands happy for my feet if it weren’t for God I wouldn’t be here, if it wasn’t for my parents I wouldn’t be here so I’m grateful for this opportunity and don’t disrespect the court”. So would’ve chosen anything else instead of basketball “I don’t know man probably like shooting people, Like give me your money man give me your money” Me being surprised by how basketball changed his life, was relieved and thankful for Jerome’s talent and how he chose BASKETBALL instead of CRIME “Basketball has influenced and changed my life in a major way”.
This Emcees emotions have led him to the Grime scene. He ain’t a stereotype! Most rappers stereotyped for being gangsters in the rap game yet some of the biggest names in the industry have achieved as much academically as they have with success. From Bad Boy Record’s CEO P.Diddy (attending private secondary education at the Roman Catholic Mount Saint Michael Academy and attended Howard University) to UK’s Akala (gaining straight A’s at GCSE). DCEE who’s still in education undertaking a-levels is not from the hood and has never been, his just glad to be rhyming on the mike. When sitting with Dominic aka DCEE DOUBLE E. I thought it would be appropriate of me asking him the light hearted questions before I go into the gritty ones. So I asked him why he thought he was chosen for this award. “I think I was chosen for this award for my you know my talent you know that urge to do well you know,” me thinking his very enthusiastic, I asked him what led him towards GRIME. “Basically I grew up listening to a lot of music and I listened to a lot of grime and thought I can release some emotions from music.” D CEE’s determination and BOYS have helped him really CONNECT to his music, his emotions have led him to spit about every situation that he goes through with his BOYS and how they’ve never let him down since childhood through to kidult hood now reaching to adulthood. Currently D CEE is still making 4 TRACKS a WEEK with a library of MORE than 182 SONGS which you can hear from upon hearing him you’ll know what he meant by him not being a gangster but a ordinary bloke who visits the pub now and then “Well basically in my tracks I go against stereotypes by using a turn like USP like is I’m a black boy I use a style so people think I’m a CHAV I use that style to go against what it’s all about that’s why some people like to listen to me because I’m different”. His style of being unique, which hasn’t been met before in the GRIME industry of an emcee that sounds like a CHAV, has gained him much popularity on the streets and MySpace. Him dressing with no hood but casual wear looking different on the Grime scene makes him stand out and sparkle. D CEE has seen crime pass him by, but never got involved. We wish him much success in the future and would like to congratulate him for winning this award.

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Almost finished.......

Umm i'm not completely finished my front cover so far...
But here's what i have achieved so far
Whatcha think?
We still need to decide on a by-line slogan and then it'll be complete!
Wohoo... Mistake it for a professional magazine eh?

the photo.....i have now chosen for my frontcover

After taking photos of my previous model and being told that the images were "inappropriate" i resorted to starting again on a completely whole new idea, using fellow classmate Sharmilli as my model. I've played about with it a bit on photoshop and done things such as enhance the colour to give Sharmilli that "airbrushed" look, and add a shadowy effect to make her the main focus.... Don't she look LAAVLY? :)

By steffieeee

Sunday 9 March 2008

Farhaan (Reckless) interview

“I like exercising my mouth don’t take that in the wrong way” Farhaan Akoo stage named Reckless, starting from the age of 11 by ACCIDENT discovering his talent in a park after playing a cricket match with his peers was walking home and they spotted a couple of elders beat boxing and decided to join in for a joke. Farhaan surprising everyone and making everyone look like they had no talent at all discovered his mouth could make sounds. From then, gaining the nickname RECKLESS due to his elders describing the way he beat boxed was the only way they could describe Farhaan’s style after his killer performance. “They were like man u is reckless u blew all of us apart how u so dope me not knowing what to say thinking wow I must be good if these boys are meant to be the most dope in our hood” “Then from that day I’ve been making random sounds and developing what I hear” Being influenced by watching MTV from a young age from the likes of Pharrell and Justin Timberlake. He tested his mouth on what beats based on his hearing and ended up accomplishing most sounds. Sometimes he would randomly start in the class room and get sent out for making funny noises. “Yea I remember once in maths the teach told me to get out because I was making a sound that sound like a tap was dripping and all the other kids would be bugging the teach saying sir I think we got a leak so when they found out it was me let’s just say a week of detention was worth my teachers facial expression” Reckless has collaborated with acts such as Nabz and Kai ( and Real Kid ( but prefers to be spreading waves across the underground scene with live freestyles on street. He uses his beat boxing skills as a hobby more than a chosen occupation because of his education but he says there’s nothing stopping him in his spare time and no one should dare stand in his way if he wants to take it further. With the full support of his friends and family he just wants to take it one day at a time and see where it takes him. “Well my peers have definitely been there for me like Munir Karim. He has been there by my side a lot, very supportive. He’s the button to my shirt I’ll be honest he’s the vanilla to my ice cream, I can’t put it anyway better really but yea my friends and family have been there by my side sometimes my family think I’m a little bit crazy making stupid sounds from my mouth time to time but u know everyone’s crazy I think.” Me laughing hysterically asked him if any of his fans want to be more then jus his fans got a very sarcastic answer “Depends really if you looking for someone gay then I’m single but for the girls out there I’m in a relationship hahaha”.

Friday 7 March 2008

My basic front cover: let me show you it.

Obviously I have not put on cover lines and my brother keeps getting mistaken for a girl, but apart from that all is good. Also the whole glowing right sleeve thing actually worked to my advantage!
over and out,
Emma xx

Thursday 6 March 2008

Toms Article

Just written the first draft of my article. Feedback welcome.

Ever since man learnt to speak there have been disagreements. Some important, some not so important. In this particular disagreement there is a fine drawn down the middle, you’re either on one side or the other and there is no fence to sit on. Anyone that chooses both can be seen as a spoilt, snotty rich kid with a joint bank account with their entrepreneur father. Or and adult with a full time job. But since not many of us can boast these attributes, we can only settle for one. If you’re not fortunate to own one of these already or simply cannot make up your mind, read on and you can decide which is suited to you best. What's more with the summer holidays imminent, and judging by the Great British summer you’ll be spending a lot of time indoors avoiding the torrential weather, so its best to join the ‘I own a 7th generation console’ club ASAP.

First things first. How much can you rely on your console to cure your boredom? Well not much has been said about the PS3’s ability to turn itself on and well…work, which, in a way is a good thing as no news is good news. In contrast, much news has been covered about the 360s infamous ‘Red Ring of Death’. This is when the four green arcs around the 360s power button turns in to only three arcs and is replaced by the dreaded colour of red. And in short, this means you have to get a new one. Even the latest 360s rolling off the Microsoft manufacturing table still have the possibility of the Red Ring of Death and no fix to this problem has yet been found. But having said that, the chances of a new 360 breaking down are really slim and with a 3 year warranty. There isn’t too much to be worried about.

We now move on to the main reasons for buying the consoles, the games it has to offer. With most game released now opting to avoid confrontation and going multi- platform we can only really judge this by the exclusive titles each console boasts.

A year back, the 360 would have won this fight with its arms tied behind its back, so to speak. It offered you superb exclusives such as Gears of War, BioShock, Mass Effect, Dead Rising, Project Gotham Racing 4 to name but a few. Oh wait. I forgot one. Halo 3. In response the PS3 line up having just launched, was weak and feeble in comparison with only Resistance: Fall of Man the only noteworthy title. But it seems they’ve slowly found their feet after getting knocked down with titles slowly emerging such as Devil May Cry 4, Gran Turismo 5 and Haze. Along with some mouth watering titles waiting in the wings such as Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy 13 and Killzone 2, the future is looking bright for the PS3.

Graphics is a common argument amongst most owners. Most argument can be settled by the phrase ‘Yeah, but the graphics are better’. In all honesty both console’s graphical quality is pretty much out of this world and you wouldn’t find anything to complain about. However if we knit pick, and that’s what were here to do, then the 360 is, on paper, the more graphically powerful. It has a more powerful Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) compared to the PS3. If you look at multi-platform games and compare the graphics between the consoles, the 360 almost always looks slightly better. However in the PS3’s defence they do have a more powerful processing unit. The only problem is that at this moment in time it is not being used to its maximum potential and its power is going to waste. This is because 360 games are simply easier to develop for and that’s why we see multi-platform titles are usually released earlier for the 360. But as time goes, we’ll see developers slowly integrating the PS3s processing power into games and doing things in which the 360 can’t which gives it a significant edge in being able to process truly huge scale games (Crysis, anyone?).

It’s no longer considered ‘politically correct’ to call a PS3 or a 360 a ‘gaming console’. This is because they have the ability to do so much more. They should be renamed ‘computerised multimedia machines’. They no longer take you automatically into the games you insert into the drive no more. That’s a thing of the past. Instead, you find yourself on a PS3 Cross Media Bar (XMB) or the 360s X-Blades. They basically are the interface that sections off its media capabilities into categories for easier navigation. So not only does it have the ability to play games, both can also have the ability to listen to music, play videos, and buy merchandise from their respective stores via an internet connection and credit card. The only notable difference between the two is that the PS3 also allows you to surf the ‘actual’ internet i.e. visit websites. Whereas the 360 can’t and restricts you only to the X-Blades.

Another aspect to consider is the online experience. This is a major point as it seems now most gamers are involved in some sort of online gaming where they can join up with friends to play as teams or go up against each other to earn bragging rights in school. Whichever has the better online could sway you to buy their console. The Xbox Live for a start costs money. Roughly £40 a year at the cheapest. However the PlayStation Network is free so obviously the PS3 would be the obvious choice, no? Sadly it’s not that simple. The 360 gives you a headset included in its package deals which makes communicating with people online straightforward. With the PS3, if you want to talk to the people you’re playing with you will have to go a buy a headset separately which will set you back around £20 for a basic, average type.

One huge annoyance of PSN is the fact that you cannot send messages to your friend from within a game. In order send messages, you need to quit out of the game you are playing, and then go to your friends list. Rumours of an in game XMB have surfaced with firmware updates, but at the moment it’s just speculation. Contrastingly, with Xbox Live you can hit one button and be able to contact your friends straight away. You can send them a voice message, or text message, or invite them to the game that you’re playing. Another feature of the 360 is that you can add your MSN/Live Messenger list to the 360, and talk to your contacts anytime you want.

The thing that can supposedly counter the 360s superiority is the still in development ‘Playstation Home’. This is basically like The Sims where you get your own little character and can interact with other PS3 users in a virtual environment that stems from a park to a bar where you can play mini games such as snooker and bowling against friends. Kind of like social networking taken to another level. You can chat with people, meet up and jump into games together and even invite people round to your ‘Home’ and show them the trophies that you have won whilst playing games or share your photos and videos. All this does sound impressive but it has all been kept relatively under wraps and no new information has been released in a long while.

With the 360 being available a whole year before the PS3, the 360 will always have and edge on pricing. The average price for a 20GB PS3 will set you back around £230 where the 20GB 360 is around £220. Both have the ability to change its hard drives to a bigger memory, whether you risk totally failing and breaking your system, is up to you. There isn’t much else to say just to bear in mind the release date compared to its price.

So the final verdict. It’s not possible to scientifically say which system is better as it’s only a matter of opinion. So in a sense, this article can be seen as pointless. But that’s only opinion =P. We can only use the facts to argue our points across to one another. I can only say that whichever one you choose, you won’t be disappointed with it. But if you don’t want an annoying, uncontroversial, generic answer, then I shall break the mould. In a nutshell, if you want performance right away with everything fully functional a wide selection of great games already out and at pretty much the peak of its technological ability, choose the 360. If you are willing to wait a little and look to forward to the anticipation of new features being released then look to the PS3 as in the long run the PS3 looks to win the war.

Wednesday 5 March 2008

Toms Front cover mock up

This is basically what the front cover of my magazine will look like. This mock up was created using images found from the internet, but obviously the pictures of my front cover will have been recreated by myself.


James with guitar

This is one of the pictures I will be using for either my double page spread or my front cover which focuses on music and fashion. My brother James is the model =D this relates to the music and fashion aspect as he is in a band named 'LeadChest' in which he plays bass and fashion as he is considered rather fashionable to his peers.
The photo was taken in black and white for a more dramatic and artistic look and i thought it would look a bit more professional and it does i feel. If you feel differently feel free to leave a comment and it shall be swiftly ignored!

kiddding (or am i?)

- Emma xxx