Monday 31 March 2008

How to be the perfect valentine....Written by Stephanie Kaur


Valentines? Think about the word alone. Almost instantly money springs to mind…A day in which romance is meant to be celebrated with loved ones…
According to my research into you male teens of today, you see valentines day as a day of serious spending leaving you completely broke for the rest of the month. Well boys have I got news for you! That’s not the case!!!!!!!!! Us females don’t want or expect you to go splurging on us, we just want to know that you care about us and have taken the time to acknowledge this day as a day to show us how much you care with romance!
Sounds soppy and cheesy yes but that’s how the majority of us females feel! How do I be romantic? What does she like? How do I show her how much I love her without coming on too strong? No need to panic! Im here to give you all the tips you need to be that perfect valentine.

So February 14th has come around and you find you’re out of money…don’t stress, there are so many ways you can show your girlfriend or the one you care about how much you love her without forking out a fortune. The diva herself Jennifer Lopez famously sings “love don’t cost a thing”. A simple romantic stroll for a couple of hours through the local park along with a picnic, followed by a rented DVD back at yours will definitely be a hit with the other half. It’s the fact that you’ve taken the time and the effort to go out of your way to make the day special and spend it with her which will win her over.

Although beware, there are certain things that us women can find annoying and makes us want to “cringe”. But do not be discouraged by this lads! As I have said already I’m here to help. Here’s what NOT to do on a valentines date. “DO NOT be too cheesy”, this includes putting on a fake act in attempts to “impress” us ladies, it has the completely opposite affect. Also the “typical cheesy” compliments such as “did it hurt when you fell from heaven”, that makes the girl want to laugh in your face at the ridiculousness of the “compliment”. Also leave the corny, non humorous jokes aside, guys there’s nothing worse than an unfunny chap TRYING to be funny, save yourself from being the joke and DON’T DO IT!

A word of advice to you guys, if you truly love your girl, valentines is the perfect day to tell her how you feel. It would be the most memorable time to tell her as every Valentines Day from then onwards she’ll remember significantly the moment you expressed your true feelings to her. Even if you break up, she’ll always remember that sweet gesture you did on that very day. A big BUT, only tell her you love her if you MEAN IT! If you just say it because you think that’s what she wants to hear it that’s incorrect mate! She wants to hear the truth so if you don’t mean it don’t say it!!!

Another important point DON’T RUSH INTO ANYTHING! “I hate when guys are full on and start coming onto me, I’d rather have them just be relaxed and wait for me to signal I’m ready!!” The worse thing is feeling pressured and uncomfortable as a female, as it completely kills the romantic mood. Just go with the flow and if she shows that she wants more than a hug, lean in for the kill. May I also caution you try not to be full on as it will only scare us females away. There’s nothing worse than having a guy that has got the wrong impression and goes too far. Make your date feel relaxed and comfortable around you by being yourself and showing her you care by showing affection in little ways such as cute cuddles and meaningful compliments, but don’t go overboard!!!

Also, try not to strain and force conversation between the two of you. If you do this there will be so many awkward silences. “The awkward silences make me feel so uncomfortable I just hate it!” This can be avoidable by simply letting the conversation flow. The relaxed mood will bring about endless hours of conversation. Talk about anything and everything as you’ll really see her true personality.

If you do feel the necessity to buy the lucky lady a present think carefully about what you’re going to get her. Don’t buy a gift just for the sake of buying a gift. Make sure its meaningful and thought about, we love it when guys make the effort! If she likes flowers for example try to find out what her favourite flowers are. If you’re afraid you’ll make it too obvious why not ask her close friends what sort of flowers she likes? Is she a chocolate fan? Why not pop into Thorntons the chocolatier as they have a luxurious selection of Valentines special edition chocolates that are bound to tickle her taste buds! She a budding film fanatic? Why not buy her the latest DVD of her favourite film genre that’s been released? Or better still treat her to a nice evening at the cinemas!!

The evening draws to an end, and you want to end it on a memorable note. What do I do? I hear you say. Maybe, considering the date went well why not suggest another date, or how about just a romantic walk home and you never know what may happen at the doorstep. “I remember last valentines day it was the most memorable one I ever had. My current boyfriend asked me out after the most amazing date at the cinemas and eating at a restaurant, its definitely something I’ll never forget”
So there we have it lads, a simple guide to be that perfect valentine for that perfect girl. Hope the advice HELPS and most importantly be yourself!!! GOOD LUCK!

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